Dialogue Around True Wineskin Versus New Wineskin

Written by Jane Johnson – founder of the ECCLESIA framework

This comes from multitude of different encounters and we honor revelation from those concerned: including Michele Hart, who discerned the term true wineskin. We invite confirmation or dialogue. TRUE WINESKIN CHARACTERISTICS  Looking to eternity as the blueprint not old or New Testament, or even before the fall as we are moving towards a new heaven and a new earth where Satan has no place. No paid ministry roles (if everyone support themselves and does a bit to disciple others there is no need even for donations so the whole body functions).  We operate out of Zion (God’s mountain) and new Jerusalem (rev 21) on the basis there is no rapture but a thinning of heaven and earth now to become the new heaven and new earth. We are the temple of the Holy Spirit – we don’t go to church. We Connect via scrolls (Calling/Mountains) and age we operate out of . It is important if we meet by location that we know we have a mandate for our local area . Keep moving to higher authority levels from lord to king to chancellor, increasing our union with the trinity. Not focusing on certain  gifts but operating out of all the four faces apostolic, kingly, prophetic, priestly functions.( so we become one new man who is capable of seeing what heaven is doing , determining a strategy , governmentally acting , which is why group ascensions are so important. The ecclesia when they gather are not coming for content or worship (the angels worship God) but coming to bring the heavenly blueprint and a testimony as we engage heaven 24/7 and live there out of its supply, hearing daily mandates and choosing Yeshua as our first love, presenting ourselves as a constant living sacrifice, untethering from the world to keep desire strong for spiritual agendas. We eat from the tree of life rather than the tree of knowledge of good and evil, engaging heaven more than biblical exposition. CROSS POLLINATING helps discern the big picture as everyone sees in part. AS ORACLES SPEAK OR SHINE THEIR LIGHT THEY CREATE INSTANTANEOUSLY.  UNLIMITED SUPPLY IN ETERNITY (of everything ). WE bring the blueprint to gatherings and testimonies of governmental acts to build faith not dialogue about content. WE enter into encounters building relationship and benches not substitute by listening to recordings. FATHERING not mentoring but fathering can be of nations and corporate acts like writing not just working with individuals. MOVING AWAY FROM:  CHARGING  Charging for  things such as encounters, taking people into the courts, bloodline cleansing, rather than trusting God for provision or working part time. Causes a professional/laity divide. Paul worked so he was not a burden on anyone. People could donate as long  as it is not highly pressured. It is not the highly trained who have the ability but those who hear and are close to God and have the authority. Not honoring or working with parts of the body  Arcs not working together often encouraging opposing practices. Unity is vital to command a blessing which involves promoting each other’s material. Seeing how important it is to have facilitators in dialogue to honor members of the body who may have a vital piece of the jigsaw puzzle. Without this, this is how denominations start. EXCESSIVE PROTOCOL  Lot of excessive protocol to access heaven, which could lead to religious behaviour. We live in dual realms. The veil has been torn so little distinction. TAKING CAMP IN PROTOCOLS  Taking camp with practices by employing staff building structures when we are in a highly accelerated time of revelation. REFUSING TO LISTEN TO THE BODY  Many getting their source of revelation from one or two places and assuming that all that will be the full final picture. Not easily opening themselves to others without a long period of trust building which is dishonouring and closes gateways. Looking at many sources and seeking heaven first discerning with Holy Spirit what is truth, can avoid issues of denomination formation which look to a narrow spectrum of input. JUST FOCUSING ON INTIMACY  Some saying intimacy is the most important and everything will take care of itself – seeing benches as not for them. Responsibility is always a bi-product of union. Jesus took responsibility. A whole area of heaven is cut off if we don’t understand courts. The father put in place many layers of hosts with responsibility. BEING INSULAR  Not reaching out to others or making disciples. Not moving on from cleansing or intimacy. Not giving away minimizes the return blessing. Not seeking help from others, assuming WE are hearing clearly from God when one of our gateways is often closed, as we have not exposed ourselves to challenge in a certain area. SEEING CONFERENCES AND SPIRIT SCHOOLS ARE WAYS OF DOING THE ECCLESIA  Forming large gatherings like traditional church sometimes with no bench over it or making traditional church, bringing a lot of speakers in, not allowing Jesus to speak through priesthood of all believers. SEEING AND RULING FROM NEW CREATED MOUNTAIN NOT REDEEMING OLD MOUNTAIN BASED ON EARTHLY WAYS OF DOING THINGS  E.g., how did things operate before the fall versus what we know from the bible are godly values, for example, no abortion and marriage etc. MY VIDEO EXPLAINING THESE POINTS MORE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jFO9rhntPM4&t=6s

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Meet The Author

Bill has been seeking truth all of his adult life since first believing in Jesus in 1978. Bill's search for Truth brought him to Ecclesia Framework now called One United Body (OUB). OUB is now his spiritual home and family. Bill's new names are John, Father of Many Generations and Father of One. He identifies strongly with John the Beloved. He has a heart to see the Universal Body of Christ become functionally One. B Sc Cornell University, MTS Ontario Theological Seminary. Here is Bill's PayPal information should you desire to trade into him: billbrady633@gmail.com, paypal.me/BillBrady633