Step 1 – Download Synopsis

The  Framework is more than a leadership tool but an initiative to bring together the best of the best in a collaborative framework based on a proven format with two decades of research. It is for all people, not just leaders, to bring the Body to a whole new level. We passionately believe in the value of the body and its role in reflecting the love of God and encouraging people to reach their destiny. Hence we want to see the Body of Christ  be the best it can be.


This is a summary of the Ecclesia Framework. It outlines the key points and gives an introduction to the core ideas contained in the full Framework. It is a starting point and the first step to download.



The Framework Process








Survey Evidence for Framework

Research from Anglican Church Study  “ From Anecdote to Evidence”

Here is a summary of an excellent research exercise carried out in England over a significant period.

The findings summarized some key points:-

Good Leadership

Clear Mission and Purpose

Willingness to self reflect and changechurch growth

Intentional involvement of lay leaders

Intentional in prioritizing growth

Intentional in chosen styles of worship

Intentional nurturing disciples

We are pleased to report that all these items and more are in our Framework . As the intention of the Framework is to stimulate debate – we do hope you will take time to request the framework notes to study more our findings so that you are indeed working on greater priorities. The framework notes share a summary of key priorities that we have concluded constitute the greatest way to church growth and health. This goes beyond what other leadership tools are offering.

Fresh Expressions – a major  research and training initiative by the Anglican church and adopted by other denominations  concluded 12 key principles were key to a relevant church. They are as follows and more can be found to explain each one ontheir site  :-

Community in Mission

Creative expressions


Human Culture

Transforming society

Disciples of Jesus

Dying to live


Cultural diversity

Sometimes we use different language but each one is reflected in the Framework .

Value of Church Planting

One of the indicators we have put in the Framework  is ” considering the value of church planting as one of the more effective tools”. This is based on research shown below:-

The NCLS report on Church planting, concluded that Church plants are more effective in connecting with newcomers to church life.  In the Church plants surveyed, 16% of attenders were newcomers to church life in comparison to 10% of attenders in established churches.  Church plants are more effective than other forms of outreach.  The NCLS survey indicates that healthy Mother churches continue to grow after the expenses of planting a daughter church. (

“…Church plants have higher percentages of newcomers than churches engaged in street evangelism, churches conducting services for the un-churched (eg ‘seeker services’), churches conducting mission activities at schools or churches offering social services such as training or support programs” (Steve Addison).

Small groups or alternative methods?

An intensive study of over 1000 churches called “REVEAL” (discussed in  the book “Move” by Greg Hawkins and Cally Parkinson), concludes   that :-

There is  no evidence that getting 100% into small groups is an effective spiritual formation strategy. It did conclude that spiritual community was vital but this could be in the form of mentoring, rogue small groups that people are setting up, or even online.  This begs the question – Could freeing people up and offering more options, really result in more passionate followers who can tailor their own needs?

Willow Church in response to REVEAL established :

  1. Daily bible reading as a normal expectation
  2. Created a UNIVERSITY STYLE format for some of their services where they offered different levels of input according to people’s needs.
  3. Put more energy and investment toward encouraging everyone to serve their local community and monitored involvement. (Many church planters are now using this as a method to start a church so it reaches Seekers but also engenders an outreach culture and service)

The Framework does recognise marketplace ministry and encourages churches to promote the value of this and train their people in it.

Goal setting ,Planning , Communicating goals and Evaluating 

These are core parts of the framework that are modelled on the framework  Investors in People and  are evidenced by  extensive research from their organisation documented at their site . Investors in People is now used in 80 countries and has been used for over 20 yrs. There is a comprehensive study as to the effectiveness of this approach, which is displayed on their site.

Please Contact Us to see the full framework and don’t forget to sign up to our blog and social media.

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Meet The Author

CEO. Jane Johnson B.Com Grad Dip LD, Dip Coaching.
Founder of the ECCLESIA framework in 2013, and the Heavenly Realms Support Group. Jane has worked in many different leadership capacities from being a professionally qualified Christian Leadership Coach for 13 years to many Christian leaders, to leading a ministry with the Navigators, to being a Senior Learning and Development Manager of a multimillion corporation, advising the management team on strategic approaches to get the best out of their people. She has developed considerable experience with Investors in People taking several companies through to successful accreditation and training as a consultant for them. Hence she understands the amazing impact a tool based on this principle can have.