How to Operate out of Isaiah 9 five fold ?

By Jane Johnson

August 2019


Jesus was called the following names in Isaiah 9:6-7:

  1. Wonderful
  2. Counselor
  3. Mighty God
  4. Everlasting Father
  5. Prince of Peace

– I got this revelation from encounter as I asked how do we function if they are the new five fold .



If we function in Isaiah 9 five fold how does wonderful work I am asking ? I can see it is linked with the city of holiness where we are given immense honor and hence called wonderful . We then release that honor / glory hence we show how wonderful man is by releasing their true identity . All the thrones to date have shown us how wonderful we are so we can begin to function in it ???



  • You could say counselling is a form of giving wisdom . Maybe you could say a word of knowledge, a word of understanding.
  • As we bench with the bench of one we are able to release counsel on a grand scale governmentally through acts but also in the way we talk to the body .



We have seen many thrones related to might and there is a spirit of might we entangle with . Thrones of power , victory , strength , riches , greatness . Seeing when we operate governmentally from these thrones we are operating in the function of MIGHTY GOD !!! Wow just got this revelation All the headship thrones Eg dominion , kingdom , one holy nation , victory , majesty , greatness , when used simultaneously contribute to being the mighty god I have been shown .



We are always fathering at this point and our impact is limitless for generations of sons whether we know them or not . We are an eternal being and in oneness we release everything that the Godhead and heaven releases . We always need fathering from the body and Heaven though .



God will achieve HIS ends regardless of the Ecclesia – this is peace as we don’t worry about this timeline or even future. Yes our part counts but HE only needs a small number that make a great impact . We can disappear if it gets too much Peace is in “the victory is ours “whether we see or feel it or not . We are in oneness so it is impossible to strive . We are free from the economic political military and religious spirits so we can be at peace . We are healed . We become the prince of peace as we rule over this truth

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Meet The Author

CEO. Jane Johnson B.Com Grad Dip LD, Dip Coaching.
Founder of the ECCLESIA framework in 2013, and the Heavenly Realms Support Group. Jane has worked in many different leadership capacities from being a professionally qualified Christian Leadership Coach for 13 years to many Christian leaders, to leading a ministry with the Navigators, to being a Senior Learning and Development Manager of a multimillion corporation, advising the management team on strategic approaches to get the best out of their people. She has developed considerable experience with Investors in People taking several companies through to successful accreditation and training as a consultant for them. Hence she understands the amazing impact a tool based on this principle can have.