Victorian Restrictions Joint Statement | Prime Minister of Australia

We publish this here for those who are following the situation in Victoria.

“Easing restrictions in Victoria in a COVIDsafe way is vitally important so that more Victorians can get back to work and resume their normal lives.

Today’s announcement is a small but further important step in that direction. The removal of the curfew, the ability of sole traders to operate garden maintenance and related services and the improvements in supermarket capacity and manufacturing are all welcome.

It will be important that more be done in the weeks ahead to safely ease more restrictions.

We note that at similar case levels NSW was fundamentally open while remaining Covidsafe due to a world class contact tracing facility.

As many epidemiologists have encouraged, we would support Victoria in reviewing the trigger of five and zero cases with regards to the third and last steps.

As it stands this lockdown is already longer than that faced by residents in many cities around the world. We remain deeply concerned about the mental health impacts of a prolonged lock down on Melbourne residents.

The Morrison Government has already delivered more than $27 billion in economic support to Victorians during this crisis and we have extended JobKeeper for another six months which is estimated to see an additional $16.8 billion be paid to Victorians in the December and March quarters.

The Government will continue to support Victorians during these challenging times.”


Bill Brady’s analysis of the importance of the situation in Victoria:

I think that the situation in Victoria is outside the experience of most in OUB.   Many see social unrest in other cities, but few see it our own city.  Covid has had impact on our freedoms, but not nearly so much as it has on the Freedoms of Victorians.  For most of us it is a case of sight out of mind.


Americans are caught up in The Presidential Race as being the most pressing national / international issue.  Elections are in about a month.  The news is full of news stories relating to the elections.  Covid & social unrest in our cities are presented to us on the news in relationship to the upcoming election.

I see the situation in Victoria as being the forerunning of loss of our freedoms due to Babylon making inroads into Victoria.  I see it as a test case by the Babylonian system to see what they can get away with.  Also, because they have people in place in key places in Victoria making this big push to take away freedoms is possible.

I see that if it isn’t stopped in Victoria that it will spread to where we are.  It needs to be stopped before it spreads.  Much like Hitler taking over one country at a time until the World finally woke up to see that all were threatened & he had to be stopped.

Seeing that the one-two combination is Beast & False Prophet.  The Beast rules.  The False Prophet prophesies Lies through Education, Media, Entertainment, Politics etc. to support The Beast’s ruling.  I don’t see either as just being one individual.  We overcome them by functioning as King of Kings & Prophet.


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Meet The Author

Bill has been seeking truth all of his adult life since first believing in Jesus in 1978. Bill's search for Truth brought him to Ecclesia Framework now called One United Body (OUB). OUB is now his spiritual home and family. Bill's new names are John, Father of Many Generations and Father of One. He identifies strongly with John the Beloved. He has a heart to see the Universal Body of Christ become functionally One. B Sc Cornell University, MTS Ontario Theological Seminary. Here is Bill's PayPal information should you desire to trade into him:,