High priest encounters

My real encounters by Jane Johnson 2021 April

Hovering over house of god ( bill Brady rev) Hebrews

Being on the throne of grace with yeshua as high priest

We become the arc of the covenant ( being the manna ( the daily secrets ) , the rod , the word of the lord ( hidden mysteries – doctrines )

Being a complete being by engaging many beings together , redeeming the world from alternate destinies

We become great on the greatness throne and so become the great high priest eventually when we have done great works ( this is not an automatic position through Christ ) .

– we will be rewarded for our great works and I see now this is why the great white throne is called great – We bestow greatness and become great by judging works of those choosing to voluntarily give themselves into the lake of fire .

This is the greater work than Abraham and Moses – Abraham was Father of many generations and Moses led people out of slavery but we stop the consequences of wrong trading – what is coming to me is is this the glorious gospel ?

I keep seeing train tracks that need the level pulling to make them go in a different direction for a higher blueprint – this I see as the priest or High priest changing the direction of mankind .

Another encounter is weaving the mat which is building the new 5d matrix or heavenly blueprint – we can call in the new Agers to go beyond kingdom of the earth to ascend via Yeshua into the kingdom of god be born again then come up here to higher realms

Giving out the bread and wine

Operating in the corporate temple

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Meet The Author

CEO. Jane Johnson B.Com Grad Dip LD, Dip Coaching.
Founder of the ECCLESIA framework in 2013, and the Heavenly Realms Support Group. Jane has worked in many different leadership capacities from being a professionally qualified Christian Leadership Coach for 13 years to many Christian leaders, to leading a ministry with the Navigators, to being a Senior Learning and Development Manager of a multimillion corporation, advising the management team on strategic approaches to get the best out of their people. She has developed considerable experience with Investors in People taking several companies through to successful accreditation and training as a consultant for them. Hence she understands the amazing impact a tool based on this principle can have.