October 2020 journal Jane Johnson

Just come to me I need to seek age of rest – rest from enemies – I am seeing it like Fibonacci swirling it in

Engaged being of time and phi – saw Pio is never ending possibilities – we can pull in new ages with this being or shrink the time frame of new cosmic ages fully manifesting Eg age of Aquarius


Got a new name Jacob to beget generations –

Shown honor as a being that looks like a genie – was asked what would I ask for to have honor – I asked for family honor , world wide Ecclesia honor and house honor


Got rev I have become the blueprint for building the temple today !!! Wow

Saw a love being and an age of love

Saw beings can morph to whatever in your creative sense you want them to be

I am now on benxh of 12 in heavens for Aus and had to do an act re foreign forces being allowed inI saw way too risky with China issue to allow this

MOSES ROD Moses rod keeps coming to me as govt act – as Moses main scroll is freedom from oppression

3 functions I see :-

1. When he lifted his rod to part the Red Sea we can do that to bring the Ecclesia into the promised land

2. When he smashed the rock to get water I see that it can be about releasing the flow of the 7 rivers

3. When his rod turned into a serpent and consumed other serpents , we can use it to consume principalities


I had weird experience where I was operating in ecstasy in a realm in new earth but able to do a govt too as I was so on fire

Playing music I find helps

Dual timelines !!! At once


I am experiencing a pulling in or contracting of all the realms eternity what was and infinity is to come into New Jerusalem as if a vortex – as if it reducing the time taken for earth to manifest

Part of engaging the time being I think


Given a Medal on the mountain of joy with my face on it – asked why and said be cause I was a royal governor who had fought a strong battle to get here


I am opening up as a flower as I entangle with all of the godhead and got rev this was the flower of life – I was told the flower of life is about constantly unfolding of revelation that is never ending as we grow we understand more and more of the big picture and that is right – being like a child doesn’t mean not desiring the bigger JUDGING AT GATE OF NEW JERUSALEM

I judged all the 12 tribes to oneness today at gate of Judah –

New name Jacob

My new name I was given not chosen is Jacob so just been shown I need to raise 12 key sons who will stick with this house / tribe and carry it on if anything happens to me


To be a king of new earth I had to go through a battle

Becoming flower of life

Shown I have so much rev that I am becoming like beautiful opening flower and pollen can be taken far and wide by worker bees


I opened as the The flower of life and a light waterfall opened

I saw this as being immense awakening of man starting dec 21

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Meet The Author

CEO. Jane Johnson B.Com Grad Dip LD, Dip Coaching.
Founder of the ECCLESIA framework in 2013, and the Heavenly Realms Support Group. Jane has worked in many different leadership capacities from being a professionally qualified Christian Leadership Coach for 13 years to many Christian leaders, to leading a ministry with the Navigators, to being a Senior Learning and Development Manager of a multimillion corporation, advising the management team on strategic approaches to get the best out of their people. She has developed considerable experience with Investors in People taking several companies through to successful accreditation and training as a consultant for them. Hence she understands the amazing impact a tool based on this principle can have.