What is Metatrons Cube?

By Jane Johnson founder of Ecclesia Framework ( updated jun 2018)

My encounters here show

  • A very large chief angel over time spreading over the whole of a multi dimensional geometric shape that we can arc with to affect dimensions in time .
  • Like our spirit deposits when we engage a realm and leaves a string so we are always present in many realms even though we are conscious we govern or reside in a realm . It is like we are strings across realms
  • I see a light rod in metatron cube with revolving doors where we can access all 12 cities at once
  • We release all doors which represents becoming all the strands of father son and Holy Spirit
  • So we stand like Jesus and say I am the way , the truth and the life
  • We become the shofar releasing the constant frequencies of the strands of DNA

One united body

I have not seen this as a golden mountain ( I see a golden mountain that shows the fact we are without genealogy and come from gold dust so represents an understanding of Melchizedek ( son of god strand of DNA of Jesus )

We know there are created realms made from created light such as the earth and creative light .

We saw of the need to find a word that represents both and we called it ALL LIGHT

Here is a real encounter bench in metatrons cube


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Meet The Author

CEO. Jane Johnson B.Com Grad Dip LD, Dip Coaching.
Founder of the ECCLESIA framework in 2013, and the Heavenly Realms Support Group. Jane has worked in many different leadership capacities from being a professionally qualified Christian Leadership Coach for 13 years to many Christian leaders, to leading a ministry with the Navigators, to being a Senior Learning and Development Manager of a multimillion corporation, advising the management team on strategic approaches to get the best out of their people. She has developed considerable experience with Investors in People taking several companies through to successful accreditation and training as a consultant for them. Hence she understands the amazing impact a tool based on this principle can have.